IIT-HEP Preprints

IIT-HEP-94/1 D. M. Kaplan The Discovery of the Upsilon Family
IIT-HEP-94/2 D. M. Kaplan B Cross Section from E789
IIT-HEP-95/1 M. D. Sokoloff & D. M. Kaplan Physics of an Ultrahigh-Statistics Charm Experiment
IIT-HEP-95/2 D. M. Kaplan & V. Papavassiliou An Ultrahigh-Statistics Charm Experiment for the Year ~2000
IIT-HEP-95/3 D. M. Kaplan High-Impact Charm Physics at the Turn of the Millennium
IIT-HEP-95/4 D. M. Kaplan Fixed-Target CP-Violation Experiments at Fermilab
IIT-HEP-95/5 D. M. Kaplan Production of Charm, Charmonium, and Beauty in 800-GeV Proton-Nucleon Collisions
IIT-HEP-95/6 D. M. Kaplan A Future Ultrahigh-Statistics Charm Experiment
IIT-HEP-95/7 D. M. Kaplan Charm2000: A >10^8-charm experiment for the turn of the millennium
IIT-HEP-96/1 K. C. Peng A Study of the Charged Two Body Decays of the Neutral D Mesons
IIT-HEP-96/2  D. M. Kaplan  Fixed-Target CP-Violation Experiments at Fermilab
IIT-HEP-96/3  P. Kasper  Ph.D. Thesis
IIT-HEP-96/4  D. M. Kaplan  Charmonium Production in Fermilab E789
IIT-HEP-97/1  D. M. Kaplan  A Future Charm Facility
IIT-HEP-97/2  Aitala et al.  KC-thesis PL-B
IIT-HEP-97/3  D. M. Kaplan  Remarks on Muon g-2 Experiments and Possible CP Violation in pi -> mu-> e Decay
IIT-HEP-98/1  D. M. Kaplan  BTeV/C0
IIT-HEP-98/2  D. M. Kaplan & K. S. Nelson  Introduction to Subatomic-Particle Spectrometers
IIT-HEP-98/3  D. M. Kaplan & V. Papavassiliou  Experimental Prospects for CP Violation in Charm
IIT-HEP-98/4  D. M. Kaplan  Searching for CP Violation in Pion Decay
IIT-HEP-99/2  D. M. Kaplan  Should ${\bar p}p\to{\bar\Lambda}\Lambda$ be revived?
IIT-HEP-99/3  D. M. Kaplan  Muon Collider/Neutrino Factory: Status and Prospects
IIT-HEP-99/4 D. M. Kaplan The BTeV Trigger System
IIT-HEP-00/1  D. M. Kaplan  Energy Absorber R&D
IIT-HEP-00/2 A. Chakravorty Measurement of an Asymmetry Parameter in the Decay of the Cacade-Minus Hyperon
IIT-HEP-01/1  D. M. Kaplan  Prospects for low-energy antiproton physics at Fermilab
IIT-HEP-01/2  D. M. Kaplan et al. Progress in Absorber R&D for Muon Cooling
IIT-HEP-01/3  D. M. Kaplan et al. Progress in Absorber R&D 2: Windows
IIT-HEP-01/4  R. P. Johnson  Cost and Performance of Rapid-Cycling Proton Synchrotrons
IIT-HEP-01/5 D. M. Kaplan Introduction to Muon Cooling
IIT-HEP-01/6 D. M. Kaplan The BTeV Vertex Trigger System
IIT-HEP-01/7 D. M. Kaplan An Asymmetric e+e- Collider at the psi''
IIT-HEP-01/8 D. M. Kaplan Prospects for Charm CP Violation Studies in BTeV
C. G. White et al. Tripling the Data Set for the HyperCP Experiment
N. Solomey
Omega-Hyperon Decay Modes with the HyperCP Experiment at Fermilab
D. M. Kaplan
Progress in Muon Cooling Research and Development
D. Rajaram
A Search for a Lepton-Number-Violating Decay of the Cascade-Minus Hyperon
A. Chakravorty et al.
Measurement of Decay Parameters for Cascade-minus to Lambda pi-minus Decay
D. M. Kaplan
Muon Cooling Research and Development

(As of 2004 we have ceased posting IIT-HEP preprints since the arXiv server is now the accepted repository.)