physicists currently participate in the Fermilab experiments
MicroBooNE and
NOvA, the Daya Bay and PROSPECT reactor-neutrino
experiments, the MuCool
project, and the MICE experiment.
• Having
accumulated the world's largest sample of hyperon
decays, HyperCP
extended the study of CP violation using
a method that was both new and unique. |
addressed technical issues related to the
development and construction of a neutrino factory or muon collider,
either of which could be sited at Fermilab.
The Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment
is designed to measure the neutrino mixing angle θ13
using anti-neutrinos produced by the reactors of the Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power plants.
a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to detect neutrino
oscillations. It used two detectors 400 miles apart: one at
Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, and the other at the Soudan
Underground Mine State Park in Soudan, Minnesota. |
was carried out by an international collaboration as an experimental demonstration of muon-beam cooling.
This was a crucial successful test of technology that could be used to build a neutrino factory or muon collider.
The Double Chooz experiment goal was to
search for a non-vanishing value of the θ13 neutrino mixing angle starting in 2010.
This was the last step to accomplish in preparing for the coming
era of precision measurements in the lepton sector.
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NOvA is
a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to study neutrino
oscillations and determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. It uses two detectors 500 miles apart: one at
Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, and the other in a surface building in
Ash River, Minnesota.
PROSPECT is a reactor neutrino experiment at very short
baselines to make a precision measurement of the flux and energy spectrum of antineutrinos emitted from
nuclear reactors. PROSPECT will search for the oscillation signature of sterile neutrinos and test our
understanding of the emission of antineutrinos
from the fission products in a nuclear reactor. |
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a
leading-edge, international experiment for neutrino science and proton decay studies. Discoveries over the
past half-century have put neutrinos, the most abundant matter particles in the universe, in the spotlight
for further research into several fundamental questions about the nature of matter and the evolution of the
universe—questions that DUNE will seek to answer.
In collaboration with Fermilab,
Muons, Inc., and
NK Labs, we are studying production and applications of
low-energy muons at the Fermilab Muon Test Area (MTA), including muon-catalyzed fusion, muonium physics, and others.
In the PIP-II era Fermilab could become the world leader in these topics, and the MTA test beam
may already be competitve with PSI (the current world leader). Our MTA R&D will lay the
groundwork for the PIP-II future.
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